Hello fellow lovers of art. I've neglected this section of my website for far too long. I'm not too sure though, that anyone actually looks at anything other than the photos themselves anyway. But, on the off chance that someone cares about the behind the scenes, I'll do my best to keep this updated. I'm in my second year of the MFA program at SCAD and simply put, my growth has been amazing. I finally settled in on my thesis work Project Genesis, an original mythology that renegotiates that past of the Black man. It excites me so much so that I've been painting every other day in pursuit of bringing the work to it's fullest potential. My 45 review is this Friday. I'll be presenting the work formally to a board of my professors in hopes that they will give the ok to proceed with the work. Wish me luck and keep me in your prayers. That's all for now, stay tuned. I look forward to growing together.
-Ervin A. Johnson